Looking for God in all the strange places…

The other day I saw a video on social. It was KTSY artist Blessing Offor FaceTiming fellow artist TobyMac. They were talking about the premise of one of Blessing’s new songs, “Looking For God”. The idea is that God can be found in the most unexpected places, but sometimes we trap God in our own comfort zone. If we look beyond the expected, we can start to see God in unusual places and circumstances.

Blessing was posing the question to various friends, where is the strangest place you find God?TobyMac’s response was that he finds God when he’s alone, walking the golf course at sunset. The peace, the tranquility, the stillness of it, that’s where he feels connected to God and has some of his best conversations with his Heavenly Father.

So I’m asking YOU; what’s one of the least expected places YOU have found God? What was the unique circumstance where you felt God’s presence? If you’re drawing a blank, maybe you can start to look for HIM in the least likely way or place you’d expect to find HIM.

“Each day is a gift God has given us, and each moment of our day is in HIS hands.”


Making Warm Memories


What’s in your “bag”?